Harassing conduct

Harassing Conduct

To prevail on a claim of sexual harassment, the plaintiff must prove that she was subjected to “harassing conduct.” Any of the following can qualify as harassing conduct:

  • Verbal harassment, such as obscene language, demeaning comments, slurs, and threats
  • Physical harassment, such as unwanted touching, assault, or physical interference with normal work or movement
  • Visual harassment, such as offensive posters, objects, cartoons, or drawings
  • Unwanted sexual advances
Harassing Conduct

This list does not include all forms of harassing conduct. Plaintiffs may establish at trial that other misbehavior amounts to “harassing conduct.” For example, proof of leering, spying, and staring may amount to harassing conduct. Some cases have determined that the very presence of the harasser by itself can be harassing conduct.

Not only is sexual harassment illegal. The law also prohibits:

Most people are familiar with workplace sexual harassment claims. Harassment in professional, business, and educational relationships are also illegal.

For further information, please view:

Additional Hostile Work Environment Topics:

Sexual Harassment Topics:

Your free consultation with one of our attorneys is just a phone call away. You can reach us any time of day at

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The Spivak Law Firm only accepts California, Washington D.C., and New York cases.

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